October 19, 2022

Don't get Dental Implants without reading this! 🤯

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For Permanent Teeth in 24 Hours

Get The Dental Implant Cost Guide
All on 4 dental implants

#1 Dental Implants Need Good Bone!

Dental Implants closely resemble screws that you would find at the hardware store or in your bucket full of random screws but are made of far superior material (which we’ll cover later)

Dental Implants have threads just like a screw. They are installed very similarly to how a drill would fasten a screw into a wall or a piece of wood. 

As with any screw, it is important that it is being positioned into something solid to allow for maximum strength. The same applies for dental implants. 

Now, you wouldn’t go building a house with rotted wood and screws, would ya?

Rotted wood as compared to bone loss.


When building a house, you use the most solid and durable materials and structures you can to ensure safety and longevity. 

When placing dental implants, we use healthy and strong bone so that the dental implants can stay secured in the mouth. 

When teeth start to go missing, the bone will begin to deteriorate. It is important to replace the roots of your teeth with something else such as dental implants. This will allow for minimal bone loss. 

Bone loss can wreak all kinds of havoc in the mouth. And, if left for too long, it can deteriorate so much that the bone becomes similar in comparison to rotted wood; this is not a safe structure for dental implants to be placed into. 


It is important to get dental implants sooner rather than later because the bone will continue to deteriorate. 

#2 Dental Implants are Made From Titanium

C’mon! You know the song, sing it with me, “I am titaaaaaneeeeeummm!”

Yes, dental implants are made out of medical grade titaaaaaneeeeeummm.

Dental Implants are made from Titanium

I couldn’t resist, alright? It’s a catchy song!

Most screws you would find in that bucket of random scraps are made from iron, nickel, brass, and even steel.

Titanium is one of Earth’s natural gems. It is a relatively common metal and is lightweight in comparison to other metals, not to mention a very strong and durable material. 

Titanium has been found to work very well within the human body and is used for a lot of different medical procedures or even to hold bone together. You name it, shoulder, hip, knee, back, and even ear implants are made from titanium. 

Dental Implants are also made from titanium. 

This metal has been tested over and over again and has been proven to be safe and effective in the body and especially the mouth. 

Now, of course this titanium implant goes through rigorous testing and meticulous cleaning before it is approved to be used in the body.

They even coat the metal with a special substance called Hydroxyapatite (Hi-drox-ee-app-eh-tight) 

WHEW! That was a mouthful, wasn’t it? lol

Well, this fancy word is code for something which is found in calcium (our natural teeth contain a lot of calcium)

Fun fact: 99% of calcium is stored in the bones and teeth. 

Illustration of a Dental Implant placed in the maxilla bone.

Hydroxyapatite can help trick your body into thinking the implant is a natural substance and it belongs there. This can promote healing for a successful dental implant placement.

#3 Dental Implants Need to Be Cleaned and Maintained

Just like the physical dental implant needed to be thoroughly cleaned before using in our mouth, it is just as important to continue to clean the implant that has already been placed. Believe it or not, our mouth has a LOT of bacteria. 

I mean, we are talking BILLIONS of bacteria.. about 6 BILLION to be exact. 

They say that bacteria thrives in warm, wet, dark environments. 

Isn’t that EXACTLY what our mouth consists of? Uh oh….

Not only is it the perfect place for bacteria to thrive, but putting food and other things into your mouth multiple times a day can leave small bits and pieces behind and sit in the mouth contributing to the growth of bacteria.

Imagine if a small colony of bacteria develops on the dental implant poking out from the gum tissue. 

As it develops, it can turn into plaque. Which is the white film that develops in the mouth if the area has not been properly cleaned. This will cause the gum tissue around the dental implant to get irritated, red, and bleed easily. See in the picture below:

Illustration of "Super Floss" cleaning dental implant prosthetic
Super Floss cleaning Dental Implants

This will cause bigger problems if it is not properly addressed. When the gums are irritated from bacteria, this can turn into gingivitis. If gingivitis is not properly treated, it will turn into a much bigger problem, known as periodontal disease! 


How can you avoid this big mess? 

Brushing along the gumline and making sure to use SuperFloss to clean out the hiding bacteria near the dental implants. 

illustration of properly brushing dental implant around dental implants

If you want to be an extra pro at this, use a water flosser to unstick the sneaky bacteria hiding under the hard to reach places. 

It’s that simple! To avoid the problems we discussed above, keep the area clean! 

That’s all there is to it! It works like magic every time. 

#4 There are different types of implant procedures depending on how many teeth need to be replaced.

Of course, single dental implants and full mouth dental implants are two different ball games. I mean, we are taking apples and oranges here!

But even in a full mouth dental implant procedure, there are also a lot of different factors that determine what kind of approach to take. 

Like we talked about before, depending on the damage caused from bone loss, different approaches may be needed for full mouth dental implants

For Example, if bone is lost in a small area, it is possible to graft in new bone in just that area to fix the damage. Just like patching in a wall before painting.

Illustration of dental bone grafting placed on a single tooth site
Example of Dental Bone Grafting

However, If there is enough bone lost in the upper jaw, a traditional approach to dental implants may not be an option. 

Just like if walls were stripped down to the framing. You can’t paint the walls because there are none!

Sinus lift or zygomatic dental implants are a couple options for people with limited healthy bone.

Sinus lifts are as they sound. The sinus is lifted, but they actually add bone to the area under the sinus before closing the site, too. This allows for bone to grow under the sinus and allow for space for a dental implant to sit. The downside to this is that after the bone has been grafted, the area will need to heal for 6-12 months before a dental implant can be safely placed. 

If an implant were to be placed right after the sinus lift, that would be like planting a tree in a big lake of mud. The tree would most likely tip over or blow away with the wind. It would have little chance for success. 

For some patients who do not want to wait 6-12 months or are not a candidate for a sinus lift could be candidates for zygomatic implants

Zygomatic implants go into the bone in the cheek, called the zygomatic bone (your cheekbone). This is a much more invasive approach and is avoided when possible. 

Illustration of Zygomatic Dental Implant Placement for an All on 4 prosthetic
Zygomatic Dental Implants placed in the Maxilla and Zygomatic Arch

But zygomatic implants can allow someone with severe bone loss to be able to have dental implants.

#5 How long will it take to get the dental implants

Now this is a HUGE factor when it comes to getting dental implants!

There are so many approaches to dental implants that it could take anywhere from several months to only a few days to get permanent teeth..

It all depends on where you go and what kind of dental implants are placed. 

Single tooth dental implants are different from full mouth dental implants. It is common for the single dental implant to be placed and left without a tooth for anywhere from 3-6 months while the implant is healing in the bone. 

This healing process is called osseointegration. Basically meaning that the bone is growing into the grooves of the dental implants.

But full mouth dental implants can be restored with the permanent prosthetic anywhere from the next day to the next year… 

That’s a wide range, isn’t it? Which one would you prefer?

If the permanent set of teeth is not installed the day after surgery, it is common to find that patients with full mouth dental implants wait in TEMPS for months until they get their permanent prosthetic. 

Temps are what you normally get with “teeth in a day”. Teeth in a day and permanent teeth in 24 hours may sound the same….

But they couldn’t be further from each other. 

The “teeth in a day” approach uses a pre-made plastic or acrylic denture to act as the new set of teeth. There are holes drilled into the rough surface of the plastic and then fitted on the freshly placed implants…ouch.

Teeth in a day being created manually from acrylic dentures.

This process takes a lot of time awake and waiting in the dental chair after completing your dental surgery. And the waiting has only just begun..

Then the bulky dentures is left in the mouth for months WAITING until the permanent teeth can be made.

Surely there has got to be a better way of doing this! Are temps the only option out there?

Well, to answer that question, we decided to give you a BONUS TIP (free of charge!)

#6 (BONUS TIP) Nuvia Dental Implant Center’s Permanent Teeth In 24 Hours!

You just read about “teeth in a day” and the uncomfortable temps patients are forced into the same day the dental implants were placed..

Well… we have some good news! Nuvia Dental Implant Center has a solution where you do not have to be put in an acrylic temporary denture ever.

Nuvia gives you your “permanent set of teeth in 24 hours.”

You can see if you may be eligible for them there.

Now let me explain how this is MUCH different from “teeth in a day”.

After our patients wake up from their restful nap under general anesthesia, we send our patients home to rest for the evening.

That’s right. You won’t be sitting in the chair for hours after waking up from surgery. You won’t be groggy and uncomfortable while trying to fit the denture to your newly placed implants. 

We send you home to rest until the next day.

You will return the next day and we will have a custom made permanent set of teeth ready to be gently installed. 

Then it’s time for the big reveal!

Dental Implant Patient Seeing New Smile 24 Hours After Surgery

It’s as simple as that. 24 hours until your permanent teeth.  


Some people have told us, “Nuvia is a secret that shouldn’t be kept.” Well, we definitely agree there! But the thing is, Nuvia only has 8 spots for surgeries in a week.. and they go fast.

So it is so important that if you need dental implants and you want to avoid the “teeth in a day” method, RUN (don’t walk) to Nuvia Dental Implant Center to reserve your spot for Nuvia’s permanent teeth in 24 hours. 

Fill out this form to get started. 

Also, if you are wondering if this is an option for your wallet, check out “Dental Implant Cost and Information Guide!”

…And welcome to The Nuvia Family!!

Dental Implant Patient Hugging Nuvia Staff Happily

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Cost Guide

Dental Implant Cost Guide

2024 Cost Guide

This guide is designed to walk you step by step through the dental implant process and each dental implant type with their associated costs.

  • Different implant types and their average costs
  • 4 little known factors that affect pricing
  • How much will dental & health insurance typically cover for dental implants?
  • What 1000’s of average Americans are doing to make this treatment affordable.
  • And more...
Get the Guide

Top 3 Must-Read Articles: Answers to Your FAQs

All Resources

Nuvia's Permanent Teeth in 24 Hours VS Teeth-In-A-Day.

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Full Mouth Fixed Dental Implants vs. Temporary Dental Solutions

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Do Dental Implants Hurt? What to Expect From Dental Implant Surgery

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